Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Registration is Open

Merit Badge Frenzy 2015 information




2015 Merit Badge Frenzy


Rio Del Oro


February 28, 2015


Sheppard of the Valley Lutheran Church at 1455 E Yosemite Ave Merced Ca 95340


General Information


Welcome again to our third year of our Rio Del Oro Merit badge Frenzy.



Scouts are expected to have a printed workbook from meritbadge.org for each merit badge they are attending as well as something to write with. They should read though the workbook and be knowledgeable about what is required. Scouts should have all prerequisites completed. In some cases that will still not complete the merit badge but each councilor will provide a way to get a hold of them to finish signing off the requirement when completed.  Please bring a Blue Card signed by your Scout Master.



Troop 88 will have a fundraiser lunch that can be purchased or a bag lunch will need to be brought from home. There are no close restaurants that offer lunch in the amount of time allotted.


 Projected menu will be


A Hot Dog , Chips, cookie and a bottle of Water for $4


Each additional Hot Dog, chip or water will be $1




There will be 3 2 hour sessions but some classes will take more than one session


Registration will be from 8-8:45am


Flag Ceremony 8:45am


11 am-11:30am Lunch Break



 Merit Badges * indicates Eagle Required

Merit Badge
Family Life *
Danean Stanke
Danean Stanke
Neil Morse
Citizenship/ Nation *
Bill McGee
Requires 2 sessions
Cooking *
Chris Bruening
requires two sessions
Emergency Prep *
Dwayne McCoy
Requires 2 sessions
scouting heritage
Dwayne Mccoy
Road to First Class
Alex/ Patrick
Margaret Baerwaldt
Margaret Baerwaldt
Margaret Baerwaldt
 Dr. Woodall
First Aid *
Misty Regalado
Requires 2 sessions
Paul Yankey
Paul Yankey
Paul Yankey
Dave Poe



·        Family Life- #3, started #5 Plan outlined if not completed ***Must be at least 13 years Old***

·        Law- Start filling out workbook

·        Citizenship in the Nation- #3

·        Cooking- 5a&b, 6 a&b, 7 a&b

·         Emergency prep- Requirements that should be done before the Merit Badge Frenzy. Requirement # 1 to show proof of earning the First Aid Merit Badge. For requirement 2b, bring the chart of 10 situations demonstrating the Scout's understanding of the aspects of Emergency Preparedness with regards to requirement 2a. Bring proof of the family meeting for requirement 2c. Do requirements 6b 6c, 7, 8a-c, and 9 (do only 1 item) and be ready to discuss each requirement.

·        Scouting Heritage- Requirements that should be done before the Merit Badge Frenzy. Requirements # 1, #2 & # 3 should be researched and written so the discussion can be done without wasting time doing the research. Bring proof of one item done in requirement # 4. Bring troop history information to the Merit Badge Frenzy. Bring collection or proof of the collection to the Merit Badge Frenzy and be willing to discuss it for requirement # 6. Bring interview notes for requirement # 8. 

·        Astronomy-1,8,9

·        Dentistry- 4C, 7, Pocket Knife and proof of totin’ chip, color pencils

·        First Aid-2d - Must have a first aid Kit or will not be able to participate in class it will be used to work on skills

·        Fingerprinting- None

·        Fishing- Bring Proof (Pictures) of catching a fish, cleaning a fish and cooking a fish


 Road to First Class) –Our road to first class program requires you to bring your scout book, the scout will be fulfilling a lot of requirements in tenderfoot, second class and first class. No PreReqs




1   For Registration


Please email Erica at meritbadgefrenzy@gmail.com with the following information per scout


1.       Name


2.       Troop


3.       Rank


4.       Age


5.       Merit badges wanted with 2 alternates just in case class fills up

Monday, August 11, 2014

3rd annual Merit Badge Frenzy 2-28-15

Rio Del Oro Merit Badge Frenzy is current looking for Merit Badge councilors for our 3rd Annual Merit Badge Frenzy. If you are interested please email Erica at meritbadgefrenzy@gmail,com

This year we are offering 3 sessions 2 hours each

Please let me know what merit badge you would like to teach. How many sessions it would need or if you are willing to teach more then one session. Any prerequisites you are going to require and if you have a material fee how much it would be (That will be paid directly to you the day of the event)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Merit Badge Frenzy 2014 information

2014 Merit Badge Frenzy

Rio Del Oro

February 22, 2014

Sheppard of the Valley Lutheran Church at 1455 E Yosemite Ave Merced Ca 95340

General Information

Welcome again to our second year of our Rio Del Oro Merit badge Frenzy, Let me start by saying that I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get this together, I was working a lot of this via a cell phone because my computer broke. But everything came together at the end and here we are for our second year.

Scouts are expected to have a printed workbook from meritbadge.org for each merit badge they are attending as well as something to write with. They should read though the workbook and be knowledgeable about what is required. Scouts should have all prerequisites completed. In some cases that will still not complete the merit badge but each councilor will provide a way to get a hold of them to finish signing off the requirement when completed.

New this year Troop 88 will have a fund raiser lunch that can be purchased or a bag lunch will need to be brought from home. There are no close restaurants  that offers lunch in the amount of time allotted.

 Projected menu will be

 Chili Dogs/Hot Dog and Nachos

$5 will be 2 chili dogs and a drink or 1 chili dog and nacho and a drink

$3 will be 1 chili dog or nacho and a drink.


There will be 2 3-hour sessions but there will be some all day classes

Registration will be from 8-8:45am

Flag Ceremony 8:45am

First class 9am-noon

12pm-12:30pm Lunch Break

Second Class 12:30-3:30

 Merit Badges

All Day Classes

1.       Citizenship in the World

                PreReqs- 3a, 3b, and 7 pick 2

2.       First Aid

                PreReqs- 2D

Half Day Classes

3.       Family Life

                Prereqs- #3, started #5 Plan outlined if not completed

4.       American Heritage- PreReqs

1.       Read the Declaration of independence and rewrite the specific  phrase as it relates t scouting

2.       Obtain councilors approval for requirements 2b,2c,or 2d

3.       Select topic and have discussion ready for requirement 3a

4.       Research family history and be read to discuss various events and situations in American history that may have affected your family

5.       Complete any 2 items of requirement 4 and be prepared to discuss

6.       Get councilors approval for requirement 5a or 5b

Councilors email address for approvals mcpr29@sbcglobal.net

5.       Automotive Maintenance

                Prereqs- #2h, 2i, 11 pick 2 bring proof such as pictures or 150 word report about the experience

6.       Law

                Prereqs- Start filling out workbook

7.       Communication

                Prereqs-4 &9 

8.       Crime Prevention

Prereqs- 2,3,5,6 and 7 be prepared to teach the group #5
      9.       Cooking - we will be using the 2007 requirements the new requirements not required until 2015 as long as you get it done by December 31st you will be fine.

Prereqs- #2 and #8
for more info contact - ASMBruening@gmail.com

10.   Game Design -Prereqs

1.       Type or write legibly the answers to Requirements 1A, 1B, 2, and 3 (http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/boyscouts/advancementandawards/meritbadges/mb-gdsn.aspx).

2.    Bring to the Merit Badge Frenzy: pre-requisite #1 (above) to turn into Counselor, Blue card, a blank notebook (to keep notes during the meeting and to use as game design notebook), something to write with, and one deck of standard playing cards.

And introducing …..

11.   Road to First Class (1/2 day) –Our road to first class program requires you to bring your scout book, the scout will be fulfilling a lot of requirements in tenderfoot, second class and first class. No PreReqs if a scout enrolls in the Road to first class program he may choose a half day merit badge for the second half of his day.

For Registration

Please email meritbadgefrenzy@gmail.com with the following information per scout

1.       Name

2.       Troop

3.       Rank

4.       Age

5.       Merit badges wanted with 2 alternates just in case class fills up